Monday, March 8, 2010


Change can often be accompanied by discomfort and adversity, but one thing I have learned is change is not an option it is a necessity. 

It is Monday morning in New York and the sun is shining, you can feel the warmth radiate through your body, awe… warmth.  Funny, how the mere site of the sun can change your whole perspective and attitude on any given day.  With spring quickly approaching and all it’s glorious attributes of change, it gives me inspiration today to make the changes necessary to improve my life. 
  Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have – and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up.  If there was one thing you could change today.. What would it be? And really how difficult would it be to change it? Sure, it might take a little bit of risk or determination but would it really be that difficult?  In fact, I am sure on this beautiful sunny day you have already made one simple change that will improve your life!

Chiala Marvici