Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Change in all things is sweet" Aristotle

Have you ever wondered if you are walking around with the wrong haircolor?

It's hard for us to imagine what we might look like with a totally different hair color, although many of us may fantasize about it from time to time. It is often when we see the change in others that we find the courage to change ourselves. Although for years I have been in the business of changing peoples appearance, it seems recently there has been more of a demand from clients to go for a major change. Maybe they are looking for that feeling when you make a change or transformation in your life "that something new and exciting kind of feeling". Whatever the case may be, I am always excited to be a part of the process. It takes a lot of trust and of coarse a willing participant to make it comfortable for both the client and the colorist. The impact of a great haircolor doesn't just change the appearance but it can change your attitude, your confidence and your energy. Haircolor can soften a look, sharpen facial features, create a feeling of power and can even increase your sexiness. The truth is when you look and feel great about yourself, that is how the rest of the world See's you !! It's all in your attitude and how you wear it! 
Having a willing and open client makes my job a lot easier, but I don't just spin around the color bar with my eyes closed and pick a color, although that would be I use a trusted system during my consultation to choose a hair color that enhances their skin tone, eye color and facial features. The most important part is that it feels right to the client and that they are comfortable and committed to the change. When all is said and done I want the client to feel so comfortable that they forget what they looked like before! Below I have added some photos and you can see the differences in their eyes, skin tone and face shape. My thanks goes out to these three ladies for taking a risk and trusting me. 
They are a testament and as Aristotle says "Change in all things is sweet". 

Jen Ford - Fashion Director Lucky Magazine 
Before                                                                       After

Angie Teater
 Before                                                                        After                                 

Before                                                                         After

Chiala xo