Friday, September 14, 2012

Hair Color Trends to follow !

Every season brings the opportunity to reinvent your look and your clients look. Statistics show that 70% of woman that come into the salon ,  want to change their hair color…. To me that is an open door to transform and reinvent. As with many trends some have staying power and some take on new characters as they move through the ever changing world of fashion.

Here is a few examples of color direction predictions – Depending on the reporting agencies these predictions will vary slightly but will be pretty close overall. If you research you will find most is dictated by the clothing & designers direction as well as cost of fabrics and consumer trend in spending… so if you follow the runways …. Hair will always follow suit and compliment the seasons…. Fabrics , textures and colors… use the trickle down effect to work these ideas into the direction of the hair you do in the salon.
Predictions and direction in fashion is 6months - 1 ½ years ahead of the average consumer.. If you follow closely you can pretty much know what is going to be the next thing in 6 months – year.

Trend Watch: refined ombre, balayage , blended hues and overall darker ,deeper browns.


Ombre has been a very strong trend in hair color and will probably continue very strong but will take on a different type of Character than its free spirited feel… Ombre will become more refined going into fall and winter because the texture it creates in the hair will now be found in the clothing and fabrics of the next season… therefore a more refined and blended look will be the balance for ombre this season..


Balayage has been around since the 70’s if not longer and I don’t see it going away.. The word in French means “the act of sweeping” and that is precisely how the color is applied it is swept onto the surface … unlike Ombre which is saturated through the entire strand… because balayage is swept onto the surface of the hair it creates a lot of movement of light the lows are just as important as the high’s … it is important to know the different results of Ombre vs. Balayage. 

Blended Hues 

Notice in this prediction that the hues are still brights like pinks & purples but the bright hues are moving from pastels to a heavier , richer saturation.. As we saw over the past years the trend of pastel hair color we will very soon if not now see the shift into heavier saturation of these tones as we move into fall and winter. 

When this trend started it was placed in the hair pretty raw and without much attention to placement, a splash here or a strand there. As it becomes more commercial we see a more on purpose placement a more solid and blended finish.. as seen in a number of fashion stories including Prada, in The September Issue of VOUGE - Special Anniversary issue 120 Years Of Style. 


Dark,Dark & Darker 

But the strongest and most fashion forward trend we will see in fall and winter will be the power of the brunette … history has shown us this many times before.. Top models on the Runway are sporting the dark Illusion feel.. And making major changes with their hair.. Dark , Dark and Darker! 

Model: Heidi Mount

Model: Jessica Stam

Model: Kasia Struss

Powerful transformations is what this season brings. With an open door to change and have more expression with your look, I feel this season wont just be about Color Trends to Follow , but more like Color trends that make a Statement !! 

Chiala Marvici xo