Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Change in all things is sweet" Aristotle

Have you ever wondered if you are walking around with the wrong haircolor?

It's hard for us to imagine what we might look like with a totally different hair color, although many of us may fantasize about it from time to time. It is often when we see the change in others that we find the courage to change ourselves. Although for years I have been in the business of changing peoples appearance, it seems recently there has been more of a demand from clients to go for a major change. Maybe they are looking for that feeling when you make a change or transformation in your life "that something new and exciting kind of feeling". Whatever the case may be, I am always excited to be a part of the process. It takes a lot of trust and of coarse a willing participant to make it comfortable for both the client and the colorist. The impact of a great haircolor doesn't just change the appearance but it can change your attitude, your confidence and your energy. Haircolor can soften a look, sharpen facial features, create a feeling of power and can even increase your sexiness. The truth is when you look and feel great about yourself, that is how the rest of the world See's you !! It's all in your attitude and how you wear it! 
Having a willing and open client makes my job a lot easier, but I don't just spin around the color bar with my eyes closed and pick a color, although that would be I use a trusted system during my consultation to choose a hair color that enhances their skin tone, eye color and facial features. The most important part is that it feels right to the client and that they are comfortable and committed to the change. When all is said and done I want the client to feel so comfortable that they forget what they looked like before! Below I have added some photos and you can see the differences in their eyes, skin tone and face shape. My thanks goes out to these three ladies for taking a risk and trusting me. 
They are a testament and as Aristotle says "Change in all things is sweet". 

Jen Ford - Fashion Director Lucky Magazine 
Before                                                                       After

Angie Teater
 Before                                                                        After                                 

Before                                                                         After

Chiala xo

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Creating Your Fall Hair Plan!

Create a Fall Hair Plan: 
Three key characteristics to keep in mind when creating your fall/ winter hair plan are color, shape and texture.  The most important part of creating your look is that it fits your personality and looks natural.  Here are a few trends we will see happening in hair for fall/Winter 2011-2012.

Color: Three hair color trends we will see this fall. With all the Ombre color that has been going around the past season it is time to bring some balance back into our hair color, and remember to condition your hair. Add depth back into the hair without loosing variation of tones by using the multi-lightened tones of the summer to keep it looking natural.

Cool browns like walnut and chocolate with high shine and luminescence.


Natural Muted Reds 

Blended golden and warm blondes like honey and strawberry blondes.


Shape: We will see the lengths moving from the breast to the collarbone this fall as the necklines in clothing move upward.  Bangs made a strong comeback in 2011. The same goes for Fall/Winter 2011-2012 season. Adding fringe adds personality and as the skin lightens in the upcoming season the focus becomes centered on the cheeks, eyes and lips.  With fabrics becoming more muted, the eyes, lips and cheeks are a great area to focus on where we can play with the intensity of color.


Texture: In the fall we tend to see more of a variety of textures within the fabrics that are used for clothing. This is a great time to explore different texture in your own hair as well. Just don’t over do it with forced textures like crimping irons ect. I am talking about natural textures.  What would happen if you just let your hair dry naturally? Natural texture can create personality. Embrace the natural textures and characteristics of your hair. Try this as an alternative to sleek and smooth.

Before you visit your stylist, take a glance through some magazines and tear out things you like and don’t like. Bring your ideas to your next appointment and discuss them with your stylist to be sure you achieve the look that fits your personality.

Chiala xo

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hair Color from the inside out:

This tip is especially for brunettes who are looking to lighten up their locks without having the maintenance. 
Have your hair colorist add some foils just below the round of the head. To find the round of your head place your hands on the sides of your head above your ears and feel the curve as you move towards the top … you will sound like an expert when you tell your colorist that you want foils placed below the round of the head.. they will be impressed !  

Thursday, May 12, 2011

How to Summer Ponytail

Sexy Summer Ponytail

1.      Take a horseshoe shape section on the top of the head and secure with a clip.

2.      Put a high tight ponytail at the top center back of the head.

3.      Take top section and backcomb for height. Brush back lightly and wrap ends around ponytail covering the band. Secure with a bobby pin or hairpin.

4. To dress up your ponytail add an embellishment like a decorative hairpin, flower or a headband.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Four Tips to extend the life of your color:

1. CARE:
Always use an at home regimen that is specifically tailored for color treated hair. Vitamin E is an excellent anti-oxidant and helps to protect your color from fading.

Ask your colorist if there is a treatment you can do at home before your next color appointment. I would recommend a protein treatment ~ Color binds to protein ~ keeping your hair healthy and strong and extending the life of your color.

Only color the hair that needs to be colored. Hair can get dried out, weakened and damaged when it is overworked with color and bleach. Opt out of highlights every visit and discuss options with your colorist to Alternate between Highlights and lowlights.

4. PROTECT: Be aware of elements that can damage your hair and fade your color. Keep in mind that healthy hair will always respond to hair color better. Choose products that protect from the sun, mineral deposits and heat tools. A clarifying shampoo once a month will help remove mineral and product build up from your hair.

Chiala Marvici

Friday, March 25, 2011

Planning a fashion Session in 7 steps!

Planning Ahead!

Over the years I have spent a lot of time with hair stylist from around the world. One thing they have commonly expressed to me is that they feel out of touch with fashion, for one reason or another i.e.: small town, they are looking for ways to stay updated and inspire change in their work. They are looking for resources but don't know where to start. Is this you?
I would like to share with you some ideas on this subject that are sure to get those mind sparks going! Ideally we want to start talking about and producing the trends before they hit the magazines, which is a short window of time. Whether you are a hair stylist, salon owner, make up artist, freelancer or just simply interested in the process, there is something for everyone. As a previous salon owner I truly found the value in taking time out for this!

This is geared towards Hair salons; however you can take the general concept and make it work for your interest.
How to Plan Fashion Session:

1. Runway collections are shown twice a year spring/summer and fall/winter. Most forecasting will follow the same pattern. You will want to schedule your fashion sessions along the same pattern and twice a year, spring/summer and fall/winter.

2. Gather all your research up to two months in advance. Meet with a few key people to decide what trends and looks you will push forward in your salon. Plan what products, tools ect. That will support the looks for the next season; this will help you when placing orders for your salon.

3. Create a list of talking points, tag lines and buzz words you can share with your stylist, so they can get clients excited about what is to come.

4. Plan a few key looks you will use as signature looks for that season. Plan to have one or two people demonstrate the looks at your fashion session. Be sure to showcase any tools or products that will be used to create the looks. These will also be the tools that clients will need to purchase to re-create the looks at home.

5. You may also want to plan on having some models pre-done to show the looks, including clothing, make-up and hair direction. This is a nice touch and gets the stylist really excited when the can see the full picture.

6. Create storyboards and visuals to show direction.

7. Here are some of my favorite resources for research: -Runway color report, these reports are put out by designers, giving their color direction inspirations for their collections. This report runs twice a year fall/winter and spring/summer. – One of my favorites for fashion and beauty. Great information on what is shown on the runways from around the world, and what is trending now. This sight also offers an amazing archive of historical fashion. Every designer you can think of is on this sight. –This sight is a great resource for global trends and provides information and forecasting in so many areas like; technology, fashion, street wear, ready to wear, runway and most important consumer spending forecasts, which is important to know so that you can adjust your environment to suite the changes in what consumers expect. – This sight is awesome for building storyboards and researching advertising campaigns, however it will cost you. I often use this sight for creative direction on photo shoots and or building a concept. This sight is well worth the investment.

Remember trends and fashion directions take time to filter down, so doing your research well in advance will keep you one step ahead and can put you to the front of the line as a resource for what is happening in fashion. It doesn’t matter where you live, you can use these resources to create versions of the trends and fashion directions and make them work for the people right in your own neighborhood!

Happy trending!

Chiala Marvici

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hair Stylist Ammon Carver Loves Biolage. Do You?

Hair by Chiala Marvici - 2 commercials Chiala Marvici in the background of second commercial total length is 1:25 !