Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April showers bring May flowers!

April showers bring May flowers, that’s what they say!! It is April 21st and today I spent the day walking around the city visiting various parks with my son Kai and Noah. It was a perfect day and I noticed how pretty everything was. The flowers are blooming and the trees are getting fuller by the day.  My last blog was about change and how we make the choice to change things everyday in our lives. Sometimes even though we make a decision to make a change, it can take some time to see the results. Learning to visualize the end result can take personal discipline and focus. One technique that has helped me in times like this is to try to achieve a quiet mind releasing all the distractions and negativity that can easily cloud our minds and thoughts. When your mind is clear of fear, negativity and distraction you can begin to visualize how you will approach challenges and expectations in your life. Learning to change our thought track can allow us to focus on solutions rather than being overwhelmed with uncertainty and doubt.

It is pretty stormy tonight in nyc and nothing pleasant outside to say the least. The wind is blowing and the rain is really starting to come down. One thing we can be sure of is that all those pretty flowers and buds are getting exactly what they need to flourish.  We must also realize that it might not always be a comfortable situation and life may feel like a storm from time to time but in the end it is exactly what we need to flourish.  Take some time to clear your mind today and think about how you can and will flourish and grow! You deserve it!

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